Nexsure 1.80.0 Release Notes (8-19-05)
Resolved Issues
Resolved High Priority Issues
- Cannot find employee in disbursement and receipt
search screens.
- Cannot post invoices for a premium finance workaround.
- Receive Payment - Unable to access clients with
no policies (list bill related account).
- Disbursement - Unable to access clients with no
policies (list bill related account).
- People payable report is OOB.
- Searching org level AI's is too slow.
- *Clicking on the accounting transactions tab
for the trust and operating accounts takes over five minutes to return.
- *Reversed invoices that were selected in a receipt
are still available to be selected in another receipt.
- *Checks - add description or remittance advice
to all check stubs.
- *Reversing journal entry - Inconsistently getting
prompt: are you sure you want to reverse the journal entry? Reversal
will book to the current period.
- *Receive payments and disbursements tab: no search
results for clients when adding a new receipt/disbursement.
- *Download record getting error: Unable to create
an invoice for the policy.
- *Effective date in the invoice header is pre-filling
with the import date of the download, instead of the policy effective
- *Client Balance Summary screen: Last payment date
appears to be pulling last payment made in 2004 if client has 2004 and
2005 payments.
- *Carriers marked as billing do not show
on any of the transaction selection screens.
- *Financial Reports - Thirteenth period should be excluded
from report when period range is selected as the date type unless specifically selected as the period.
- *Can’t change name of an existing GL account.
- *GL numbers not propagating.
- Binder billing process: regular invoice generated
from this process is posting to AR account twice, once on credit and other
on debit side
- Client commitments
- Add carrier statement transactions link is not
seeing a DB inforce
policy to create invoices.
- Installments are deleted when you modify an existing
master invoices.
- Commission does not pull through on invoices.
- A duplicate 125 is created when a property is
added to a GL or a GL to a property.
- Error received when accepting to populate binder.
- Marketing an existing package policy duplicated
- Performing the migration on a GL policy returns
an error.
- Aged accounts receivable summary - add group by.
- [2] for additional grouping options
- *Add field group section information to more easily
identify area of form being completed (especially in list view).
- *Remove columns from coverage amendments
- *Remove columns from remarks section
- *Remove columns from remarks section
- *Remove columns from endorsements section
- *Remove columns from premises info section
- *Remove columns from remarks section
- *Create overflow form for unscheduled equipment
- *Remove columns from underlying insurance section
on page 1
- *Data conversions - change Unknown population
of sex and marital status fields to blank.
- *Data conversions - change Unknown population
of audit field on page 1 to blank.
- * Data conversions - Change "G" populated
for gross sales premium basis to "S".
- *Add fiscal years back to 2002
- *Create database for NJ DMV codes and pre-fill
to NJ auto ID cards.
- *Remove 200 item limitation on cash receipts
- * Production details - duplicating people commissions
when invoice commissions are adjusted through reconciliations (side effect
of # 7394).
- Issue with commission adjustments is also causing
producers to be paid twice
- *Invoice Adjustments through reconciliation -
posting dates of invoice change to recon date
- *GL Supplement for demo
- *Allow entries of zero's in deductible fields.
- Resolved Forms Issues
- Fax # on ACORD 25 is not appearing
- EDP - Locations aren't being printed
- Resolved Reports Issues
- Add option to include/exclude based on client
status active vs. inactive).
- Income Statement (Org Info Tab) - does not limit
data to entity being viewed
- Production Summary - change criteria page, Sort
By should be Group By [2]
- Production Summary - add people first name to
report so that when report is grouped by people last name they can be
- Production Details - producer name should show
when Show Invoice Details (Y) is selected
- Production Summary - if two producers have the
same last name both producers are not reflected
- Income Statement Budget Prior - adjust columns
to utilize all available space on report/increase font size
- Income Statement Budget Prior - add entity name
to report header
- Income Statement Budget Prior - add grouping options
to report to roll-up totals to branch, territory, region, etc.
- Income Statement Budget Prior - shows As Of date
in header when period is selected as date type
- Income Statement Budget Prior - change
column header "Amt" to read "Difference"
- Add sub-types of LOB's so that report can be run
personal and commercial lines regardless of the client type selected
- Report is not limiting data when unit or department
entered on Org pop-up
- Remove LOB grouping option from report
- Add Retail Agent as a filter on report criteria
page under Client Information
- The summary page is displaying the last Employee
Name in the header of the page.
- When report is run to group by Responsibility
Type invoices are duplicated and do not appear correctly
- Two lines of premium were entered for a monoline
policy, report should pick up both entries
- Only Policy Mode 'New' is available on criteria
- Resolved Intermingled Artifacts Issues
- Drop-down fields are out of Alignment
- Edit Invoice Header window
- Posted DB Invoice 1713 is not pulling into carrier
- Fees not showing the right description - Shows
the Service Provider information instead
- Unable to renew policy (missing BOB)
- Agency commissions on the second LOB of a package
policy do not have an annualized total
- Certificate renewal fails when Org is not on the
- No search results returned when retail agent has
“&” in the name
- Support NIC for databases not located on the Gserver
- Refresh from list view when changing state from
drop-down box doesn’t
hold to front end
- Error creating a binder
- Units are showing up under department that they
are not attached to
- Adding a location type in Lookup Management makes
it the default
- Error using lookup to add additional interest
with long name
- Sending policy to history – “last updated by”
is incorrect
- Lookup for named insured does not work properly;
pager control on client locations summary
- Schedule sections on “Renewed” applications are
not locked down
- Clicking “Summary” and “Next” links after adding
additional interest via lookup does not save info
- Endorsement populate button is not available if
users enter/update data through list view
- Financial entity – cannot delete a location
- Certificate – when you make a copy of the cert
checkbox does not persist
- Certificate attachment for delivery: added form
name and cert
- Entity level search by name – using an apostrophe
results in a database error
- When reinstating a cancelled policy the reinstated
policy coverage term needs to have the same expiration date as the policy
term expiration
- Error printing certificate from the wizard screen
- Audits – navigation view – Cannot delete records
of manys
- Pending cancellation – navigation view – data
entry should not be allowed
- Cancellation – navigation view – delete action
should not be allowed
- Print function on policies in history is disabled
- Opportunities grade not saving correctly
- Multiple “Supplemental Notes” forms when printing
a package
- Error using lookup on driver’s address
- Personal actions not displayed on the home screen
- Home actions – timeout
when searching date range
- The claims tab on marketing policies should be
- No records returned when searching via policy
no field with “&”
- Policy actions search results incorrect when searching
by “Due date (to)” field
- Carrier menu in employee commissions record is
not sorted in any order
- Aborting a cancellation creates an action topic
of claim
- Incorrect page flow when clicking on “Update”
at “Named insured” tab
- Account type can be deleted when a mandatory account
is assigned to the account type
- Unable to reverse a cancellation invoice
- *Added internal tool for admin
users to have a context tool option on history policies to make them active.
- Allow access eServices from Nexsure Home and Interface
- Accident Fund eServices are not functional
- Farmers Insurance Group eServices are not functional
- *The system does not identify entries as adjustments.
Add a flag
or description that identifies adjustments so they can be tracked by reports.
- Search and clear button are switched around on
client attachments screen.
- The fifth digit of the client number is not pulling
to the ACORD application
- Removing an unused carrier says you can’t remove
because it is in use but removes anyway
- When clicking add new branch location tab name
is not bold
- Binders servicing screen displays a white line
- Unable to select submitted status packaged policies
- (duplicate of 9637 that was hot fixed).
- Notes on marketing policies and active policies
sent to history are inconsistent
- Deadlock error during downloads processing
- Repeat index field on form and match field on
lob are not grayed out if drop as conditional statement is checked and
- Blank record in a multi-group form forces Nexsure
to print 200+ pages of PDF
- Summary of insurance primary location not updating
- Cannot add new opportunity
- Client level actions – search by due date does
not work correctly
- Yellow lines on the AI card file screen
- The options in Retail Agent list box are not sorted
- Changing a NAIC
code is not holding
- Label for “Primary” on the entity location summary
screens is missing
- DB Timeout
error when creating new certificate
- Carrier should not be required.
- Under client assignment the full name field
- is pulling the client full name as opposed to
the assignee.
- Producer e-mail field not populating
- Comm
Proposal Template when you
- change assignment in drop-down box it's not changing
to the selected assignment.
- Download Exception Selection showing invalid policies
- 3 Year policy (Anniversary Rating) downloads not
- Reverse Binder Bill Invoice - The Reversed invoice
is not being set to posted
- When reconciliation record is pulling into disbursement,
carrier name changes from the carrier in recon record to the policy's
issuing carrier
- DB invoices are appearing in disbursement for
sub carrier but not in disbursement for parent carrier
- Receipts, Disbursements & Reconciliations
processed against a sub-carrier are not displayed on the summary screens
- Disbursements - cannot pay agency and direct bill
invoices to carriers through disbursements
- Disbursements processed against a sub-carrier
are displayed by Parent Carrier Name on the summary screen
- Reconciliations processed against a sub-carrier
are displayed by Parent Carrier Name on the summary screen
- No address available when issuing a disbursement
to clients
- When search and selecting the client for Disbursement,
the Address is not available
- Need client addresses to appear when searching
for client to add a new receive payment record
- Master Invoice - Invoices are not created when
a down payment amount above $500 is selected and the fees and taxes are
split between installments
- Incorrect Employees detail for Main Account in
Add People Commission for List Bill Plan
- Error received trying to remove a list bill plan
- Agency Master Invoice not created for Split between
- Taxes are not split between installments in Master
Invoice for Tax Option
- Taxes are not split between installments in Master
Invoice for Tax Option
- Creation of 12 installments took over 10 minutes
- Last fee is dropping from quarterly installments
- Master invoices are not creating subinvoices:
List bill and installments
- Master Invoice - invoice creation process failed
for 24 installments - split between installments for all
- List Bill Other Commissions - Clicking on Add
New overwrites defaulted other commission
- Incorrect Installment date for Installment Invoices
after master Invoice creation process
- Agency Master invoice not created - Encountered
Blank/White screen error
- Master Invoice - Fees assigned to a package total
premium amount are being duplicated multiple times on the created invoices
- Incorrect Master Invoice Non Premium Rounding
Rule on Invoice Total
- Installment Billing: When fees and/or taxes are
involved in an installment master invoice, system is using wrong basis
amount to calculate fees, taxes, agency commission that are % of premium
- Add agency and other commission display for estimated
and annualized amounts based on rate is incorrect
- Default people commissions use policy default
comm amounts
instead of assignment default comm
- There is no options in Rate Type list box of Other
Commission section
- Invoice Tax Selection - Multiple taxes on the
same LOB will display multiple lines for the LOB in the LOB drop-down
- Installment invoices on a Fee Only invoice (No
policy assigned) are not being created
- Allow the user to enter 'Closed' or 'Open' to
filter by claims status.
- Can't abort pending cancellation that was added
on top
- of pending endorsement
- Binder bill process - manual bill invoice generated
- diff
between binder bill invoice and new regular invoice.
- Resolved Hot Fix Issues
- *Office Integration: Domain Users encounter Registry
errors with using OI
- *Map PIP and BI
coverages to FL auto ID card.
- When manual form ID card entered insured doesn’t
default to primary
- Unable to select submitted status packaged policies
- Policy put in renewed status by accident, would
like to bring back to enforce status
- Save Changes” is disabled on the underwriting
- *Failure of the ACORD 125 to migrate on policies
- renewal and endorsements
- *User unable to post endorsement
- *Payment advance for client did not create an
invoice on the client record
- Data Conversions: Client Attachments converted
after final conversion now need loading into org
- *Crystal Enterprise has security issue in production
- *Aborted payment ID 375 does not display in payments
received tab but seems to have posted to GL
- *Two payment advance invoices created out of one
disbursement and is throwing off Customer Statement Report *Duplicate
of 8756*
- BugID
8756 - One disbursement ID 430 created two duplicate Payment Advance invoices
**Duplicate of 9933**
- *List Bill Invoices Stuck on processing
- *LONG TERM TRACKING - Automated job to update
Client Balance Summary is failing
- * GL 's not always propagating when new Orgs
are created
- Cannot find employee in disbursement and receipt
search screens
- Two employees are not searchable to process territory
level receipts and disbursements for them **Related to Bug 9715
- Unable to post reversed Journal Entries, showing
as unposted and an error is received when trying to post them.
- Open action is appearing on card file but there
are no open actions.
- Data Conversions: Invalid character in Client
- *Downloads: If a policy invoice cannot be created,
the download is reset up to three times
- *Downloaded Package policies are not staying as
- *Error message returned opening outlook message
on a client record
- eServices: error reporting for the Nexsure agent
(single sign-on) is failing (Step #3)
- Nexsure Components Spinning Up
- Data issue relating to a reversal binder bill
- *Include the “Pacific time” in the delivery date-time
field at the bottom of the page.
- The Nexsure User's Guide cannot be displayed in
- Data Conversion: from the policy info tab on a
marketing policy, the premium details icon is missing - therefore the
agent cannot add a premium
- Data Conversions: NAN
showing up on marketing policy premium
- Error message returned when clicking on the details
for the location on the client profile.
- LONG TERM TRACKING: Unable to close an action.
- Client and Client ID are duplicated
- Wrong address on ACORD 125 header
- *Policy number does not populate on auto id cards
- *People Payables Report fails in production
- *Binder Bill replacement invoice contains reversal
invoice journal entries
- Client card file > alerts > 2 actions showing
but they are unable to locate
- Client needs to change the units on assignments
for an employee who has left the company
- Adding additional interest doesn't populate change
request form
- Posted carrier reconciliations include invoices
that are nowhere to be found
- When adding a new record in the WC rating section
the location drop-down has an extra four-digit number
- Invoice for a credit was reversed twice
- Reconciliation was reversed multiple times. Need
to clean up the duplicates
- Resolved Misc.
- *Invoice creation process for master invoices
is not working
- Actions report shows open actions that can not
be located anywhere else in the system.
- Client - adding new client - The options in Retail
- list box for client assignment is not sorted
- Client Level Action - Search by Due Date does
- work correctly (Client Level Action)
- Servicing - Client/Claim Search with LOB does
not work
- Servicing - Client/Marketing Search with Bill
Method does not work
- Headings in List View - Narrative Section -
- Duplicate Heading "Producer"
- Servicing - Client/Opportunities Search screen
- incorrect options in System Grades list box.
The following enhancements were made in Nexsure version 1.80.0. See
Previous Development for an archive
of past releases.
Important System Update 
Nexsure 1.80.0 includes updates to the webupdate.ocx
and Nexsure Agent components. These are required for Office Integration,
eServices, Batch Printing and Single Sign functionality. There is a download
involved for these components. This is done automatically by Nexsure,
but you must be logged in with local Admin rights or a script must be
created by your IT department to have these load upon user login.
To manually download these items to be used in a script
The next time you create a Document Template or add an attachment, the
will be downloaded. When the Summary Screen of attachments appears then
the control has been downloaded. You may see a white screen for about
10 seconds while this is downloading. The Nexsure Agent will be downloaded
upon the next use of Batch Printing, eServices and/or Single Sign on.
You may be prompted to click OK
to download this component.
To verify that the correct version of the
has downloaded and installed correctly check the following location:
- In Internet Explorer, on the Tools
menu, click Internet Options.
Click Settings, then click View
- When the list of items appear, right click on
Webupdate.Control select Properties then select the Version
tab at the top of the window.
- The new version is 1,0,0,10330.
To verify that the Nexsure Agent components
have downloaded and installed correctly check the following location:
- In Windows Explorer, Navigate
to the Program Files folder.
- Select the XDimensional
Technologies folder, open the PrintQueue
folder. (path is: C:\Program
- Right Click on the PrintQueue.exe
file and select Properties.
- Click the Version
Tab. The new version will be
How to Install the Webupdate.ocx
Manually (pdf)
Forms Enhancements
- ACORD 131: Fields for
remarks and endorsement have been changed from 2 columns of 50 to 2 rows
of 100.
- ACORD 148: Allow more
than one premises to the Electronic Data Processing LOB.
- ACORD 140: Fields for
remarks and endorsement have been changed from 2 columns of 50 to 2 rows
of 100.
- ACORD 127 FL: Fields
for remarks and endorsement have been changed from 2 columns of 50 to
2 rows of 100.
- ACORD 141: Remove Columns
from Crime application.
- Online Help for ACORD
More Info...
Once the application has been added, you can access Help information
on the selected form by clicking on the name of the form. A
pdf file will launch with information specific to each form:
For more information on Marketing, see Policy
Field Group section to forms.
More Info...
Form field group names are now displayed
on screen at the top of each field. This
is especially helpful when completing forms in maximized list view. See
examples below:
Policy View:
Maximized List View:
- Pre-fill NJ
DMV Insurance Company Codes to ACORD 50 NJ.
CRM Enhancements
Retail Agent Menu:
Appears when a retail agent is selected from
the Search screen.
Carrier Menu:
when a carrier is selected from the Search screen.
- Retail Agent has been
added to all Search and Sort filters.
More Info...
- Add Retail Agent icon
and link to card file from all client, marketing, policy history and binder
More Info...
If a retail agent is associated with a policy,
the retail agent
icon will be displayed. Moving the mouse
pointer over the icon will display the name of the retail agent. Clicking
the icon will open the Retail
Agent Profile screen for that agent.
- Add Commissions and
Contracts Tab to Retail Agent.
More Info...
for more info. on Retail Agent Contracts
for more info. on Retail Agent Commissions
- Retail Agent Policy
and Assignment screens capture Last Updated By names.
The retail agent Policy and Assignment screens
now display a "Last Updated By" column. Clicking on the name
will display the individual's contact information.
Policy Enhancements
Once you leave the Search screen, upon the next return the last searched
for entity will be displayed. Once you log out of the current Nexsure
session the Search screen will revert back to the default entity (Client).
When importing an application into Nexsure,
sometimes fields won't match up properly leaving the invalid value in
Nexsure. Now Nexsure displays "Invalid
Value" below the field that didn't merge over properly.
Accounting Enhancements
- Search results differentiate between Primary (P) or Subordinate (S)
carriers for the following areas: Receive Payments, Disbursements, and
More Info...
During the Reconciliation, Receive Payment or Disbursement process,
selecting the Carrier entity, gives you the option to select any subordinate
carriers associated with a primary carrier. Subordinate carriers will
be followed by an (s). Note
also that if you search for a subordinate carrier, the primary carrier
will also be displayed followed by a (p).
In the Select Address drop-down list, the primary carrier's address
will appear by default. Use
the drop-down list to select a subordinate's address.
Downloads Enhancements
- Hartford ExpressWay Rating Integration. More
- New Downloads:
- Netherlands - Workers Comp
- EMC - Workers Comp
- Consumers Ins - Personal Auto
- Utica First - BOP
- Encompass - Watercraft
- Columbia Ins - Dwelling Fire
- Netherlands - Commercial Auto
- Farmers Alliance - Personal Auto
- American Strategic - Homeowners
- Farmers Mutual - Dwelling Fire
- Hocheim
Prairie - Inland Marine
- General Casualty - Watercraft
- Motorist Mutual - Dwelling Fire
- Deerbrook
- Personal Auto
- Safeco - BOP
- New Jersey Skyland
- Personal Umbrella
- Westbend
- Workers Comp
- Frankenmuth - Workers Comp
- Frankenmuth - BOP
- IMT Ins - Personal Auto
- Grange - Commercial Auto
- Grange - BOP
- National Flood - Homeowners (Flood)
- Kemper
- Homeowners
- Kemper
- Hanover - BOP
- Michigan Ins - Personal Auto
- Michigan Ins - Homeowners
- Central Mutual - General Liability
- EMC - Inland Marine
- Donegal - Personal Auto
- Union - Commercial Umbrella
- Central Mutual - Commercial Auto
- Hartford - Commercial Auto
- Hanover - Workers Comp
- Secura
- Inland Marine
- Erie - Inland Marine
- State Auto - Inland Marine
- Central Mutual - Commercial Property
- Hartford - Inland Marine
- Allied - Inland Marine
- Encompass - Inland Marine
- *Central - BOP
- *Central - Commercial Umbrella
- *Central - Work comp
New eServices
- Encompass - Inland Marine
- Zurich Policy Inquiry
- Utica National Policy Inquiry
- Ohio Casualty Policy Inquiry
- Tower Hill Policy Inquiry
- Auto-Owners Policy Inquiry
- Travelers Commercial Lines Policy Inquiry
- Central Mutual Policy Inquiry
- Foremost Policy Inquiry